
Monday, February 2, 2009

...100K Hits Blog Candy

I have felt a bit icky today, so I didn't get a card made to share with you. Instead, I wanted to give you all a chance to win some goodies to celebrate my hit counter passing 100,000. I am almost 8,000 hits too late...but never late than never, right? How would you like a shot at winning the following:
  • "Punches Three" Stamp Set {retired hostess set}
  • One (1) container of Filigree Brads
  • One (1) container of Assorted Clips
  • One (1) 10-yard roll of Wild Wasabi Striped Grosgrain Ribbon
  • One (1) 10-yard roll of 1" Chocolate Chip Double-Stitched Grosgrain Ribbon
  • One (1) 8-yard roll of Chocolate Chip Felt Ribbon {from the Alpine Ribbon Originals Collection}
  • Two (2) packs of Dimensionals

What do you need to do to win? The rules are simple...simply leave a comment telling me your biggest pet peeve. I will randomly draw a winner on Monday, February 9th. One comment per person. If you do not have a Google account, please leave your name at the bottom of your comment. Any anonymous comment without a name included within the comment will be automatically disqualified. Open to all US and Canada readers ONLY. Good Luck!


Unknown said...

Love your're such a talented person! Thanks for all of your beautiful cards and tips!!!

Okay...biggest pet peeve?!? Gosh, I have too many to count! Hmmm, I think it would have to be bad drivers!!! Man, are they ever annoying. Doing things like:
*running red lights and stop signs (especially when making right turns!)
*driving too close
*driving on the shoulder or the yellow line
*when you (or someone else) is stopped the person behind you passes you on the shoulder instead of waiting (I mean COME ON!!!)
*passing school buses
*not stopping at crosswalks for pedestrians

I think I could go on forever...

mudmaven said...

Wonder if it's a Christine thing, but I have too many to count as well but most could be summed up like this: The Golden Rule applies to everyone, not just everyone EXCEPT you. Be nice to one another people!

C said...

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. :( Seems to be going around lately, unfortunately.

I think my biggest pet peeve depends on where I am at what's happening at the moment :) One I seems to encounter on a daily basis is when someone waits until the last minute to take care of something and then expects you to jump through hoops to make sure it gets done. KWIM? As my boss says, "Poor planning on your part does not constitute and emergency on mine." :)

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Willa Jean Coates said...

I love your blog! Congrats on the # of hits! My biggest pet peeve has to be "loud" noises (ex. fan in a bathroom-drives me batty). The thing about loud noises is I'm a very loud person so it just figures that "loud" stuff annoys me, huh:)

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Oh what amazing blog candy. Congrats on the HUGE number of hits!!! ONE of my biggest pet peaves is bad grammar...using your instead of you're is right up at the top. I almost always notice store signs and marquees that have improperly used "your" and once even called our local DQ and they changed it!

sandyh50 said...

I kind of go with the flow at work, but at home I have some pet peeves. It drives me crazy when someone is doing their laundry and just leaves the wet clothes in the washing machine!

Thanks for a chance for some neat blog candy!

sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogging milestone! Thanks for the opportunity to win some great blog treats!

My biggest pet peeve are people who chew with their mouth open :)

Anonymous said...

I just found you're blog and I'm loving it - where have I been?
My biggest pet peave is people talking with their mouth full or chewing with their mouth open - UGH!

Nancy said...

Thanks for the blog candy offer, Mercy - I enjoy your (I agree with Denise about your and you're, as well as its and it's) blog very much. My pet peeve is about family members who don't finish the job and then I'm always left to pick up what they've neglected to do. And they think they've done a great job - erghhhh.

Sherrie H. said...

Your cards are beautiful! I have just started checking blogs in the last few weeks; although I have been using Stampin Up products for about 5 years now. Who knew there were so many wonderful ideas out there on the web???

As far as pet peeves: would have to say that mine is people who are too lazy to research the answer to their question before coming to ask me. I have worked for the same company for 20 years and get interrupted what seems like a million times a day with questions other workers should know the answer to or could easily find on their own. I work in the world of finance and being interrupted in the middle of a numbers project drives me crazy.

Karen said...

Gosh...only one pet peeve....hmpf! Let' biggest pet peeve is people who say "yay" and "nah" instead of "yes" and "no"....weird I know but no the less very bad speech!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mercy!
Since I first started searching the blogs for inspiration a year or so ago your [not you're :)]blog has remained one of my favs!
sorry to hear you're not feeling well! trust it passess soon!
thanks for the opportunity to win some "candy"!
My pet peeve...people who won't take responsibility for their own actions and who always try to find someone else to blame for their bad behavior! However, i know God's still working on them!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blog count!
My pet peeve - when someone over
commits and doesn't follow through!
Learn when to say NO!

Mila Ayers

Melina said...

Hello your blog and your style of stamping!

My pet peeve - for the moment - is that my neighbors leave their huge garbage cans in plain sight. The way our houses sit, it's like they're in my front yard!! Ugh! And, our city does have an ordinance against 'containers in view'...!!

whew, thanks for the opportunity to vent that one! :))


Pam Varnell said...

Oh Mercy, awesome blog candy. Hope you get to feeling better soon. My biggest pet peeve is people being late. That drives me nut. I do have more but that's one of the biggest ones.

Love ya!!

Anonymous said...


No wonder all the hits...your blog is awsome! I just love your style!!!

Pet shopping at Wal-Mart and people block the aisles. They look up at you, knowing you would like through, and they don't budge! Pleeeeassse, may I also get my shopping done???

Angie Tieman said...

Congratulations on 100K hits, that's awesome!! This is some fantastic blog candy, thank you for the chance! My biggest pet peeve is when I wave someone in on the highway and they don't wave a thank you! lol!

Lisa M. (aka. Lisa @ Farm Fresh) said...

Just one pet peeve???

Hmm...I can't stand being late or other people being late. If it's me going somewhere, I will nearly always be there with 5 minutes at least to spare...I married into a family where the women could care less if they are even 20 minutes late. They look at me like I'm crazy for suggesting we get anywhere early, much less on time!

Dawn Easton said...

Oh my Mercy, sorry to hear you are feeling icky today. Me too...darn cold! Hope you get well soon!

LOL... I have many pet peeves but one that I just mentioned today was people who don't shovel their sidewalks and it turns icy. My butt can't take the

Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabulous blog candy!!

Anonymous said...

My pet peeve is when family members treat their family rotten and then act all nice to the public - why not be nice to EVERYONE, especially your family who should take priority anyway!
THanks for letting us vent! Hope you're feeling better soon!

Sprytebyrd said...

Sorry you're not feeling well! Hope you are back to your happy self soon!

My biggest pet peeve? Well.. employees in stores always asking me if I need help.. I think they should have a flag that I can hang on the cart that says, "I'm fine" or "I'll ask you if I need you"... Just let me shop already! I know it's good customer service, but after the 10th time of being asked... it gets old!

Thanks Mercy! Feel better and congrats on 100,000 hits! Wow, that's alot!

Joy said...

wow I love your website and what a fab opportunity for blog candy, thank you!

My biggest pet peeve currently is people buying lottery tickets at gas stations and not moving to let the next person in line pay......they stand there and scratch off their tickets...I just wanna shove em down!

Allison Rankin said...

Mmm...thanks for the chance! And thanks for all those sketches! I have been saving them but not using them...sigh!

A pet peeve? People who share their opinions but have no basis for them. Educate yourselves people!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your blog Mercy . Hope you get to feeling better soon . What wonderful blog candy ... oh to win !
I have quite a few pet peeves but probably the one that bugs me at the moment is people who monopolize conversations but when you finally get to say something they aren't listening.

Lori said...

Congrats on a well deserved # of hits. You are one very talented lady! I've enjoyed your blog daily via google reader!

My current pet peeve is people who do not take other people's feelings or thoughts into consideration. Rudeness has NO excuse, in my book.

I hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

This was really interesting to read everyone's comments!
I, too, would like to list a lot of them...hmmm...People thinkin' they're better than you!!!

Susan (coffeeforme) said...

Love your blog Mercy. Congrats on making it to 100,000 plus! Ok, my biggest pet peeve is when you are driving and you get to a 4-way stop. I know when it is my turn to go...but almost always a "man" has to waive you on because he thinks you are too dumb to figure out it is your turn to go! Ok there it is...sorry for the rant!

Melissa Flieg said...

Congrats on all the hits and thanks for the chance to win such great blog candy. My biggest pet peeve is rude people.

Hope you feel better soon.

Tabitha said...

Congrats! My biggest pet peeve is when people say they are going to do something i.e. come over to do a job and then they never show up. They don't call, they don't write, they don't text, they don't leave a message...I mean come on people if you say you are going to do something then just do it!

akagreenhouse said...

'People texting while they are driving' barely edging out 'people who become terrible drivers because they are talking on their cell phones'. Thanks for the chance to rant! It feels good to let it out!! Thanks for having a blog that provides such great inspiration! Cathy

Anonymous said...

You know I love your blog and all your creations you share with us! Congrats on the hits!

I'm sure I have lots of pet peeves, some I can't share, but one that kills me is when you get emails from folks asking the stupidest questions that if they continued to read, would have found the right answer!!

Pegg S said...

Congrats on your 100K+ hits!! I love visiting your blog and seeing your beautiful work!

I have a number of pet peeves but one is car drivers who don't turn on their headlights when it's getting dark or when it's raining! It's so dangerous for everybody on the road!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say people who do not do their job well. It ends up effecting so many others and creating so much work for everyone else.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Amy said...

Whoa! Congrats on all those hits! Thanks for sharing all the yummy blog candy. Hope you feel less ick soon!

While suffering through airport food for lunch today, I was amazed at how many people eat greasy fast food with their mouths open while talking. Just shovel it in there! Amazing! Definitely a pet peeve for today. I really didn't need to see the ketchup/mustard combo dripping down that one woman's chin...

Anonymous said...

woot woot on the 100K hits!!!! k . . . my biggest pet peeve is inconsiderate people.

feel better soon!

gocanucksgo said...

Just found your blog and i'm liking what I see so far! Keep up the great work =) My pet peeve would be hyprocrites. They tell you something, then do a complete 180 UGH. Oh and people who chew gum like a cow =) Keep up the amazing work and thanks for doing all of this!

Kristie W. said...

Congrats on all the hits!

My biggest pet peeve is aggressive drivers, they drive me crazy.

I hope you feel better soon!!

Laura said...

I actually also have alot of pet peeves... here is one that came up for me over the past couple days!! I HATE when people tell me how to lose weight, or that diets don't work, etc. I know that people are trying to be helpful but I know exactly what to do... I just don't do it!! Ughhh... this comes up most often w/ my mom! Thanks for letting me vent:)

kat said...

Congratulations on 108,000 hits [lol] but I'm not surprised; your blog is a source of inspiration to me with every entry. My biggest pet peeve is out-dated auto registrations. I pay mine on time; other people should, too. And it annoys me that some folks seem to get away with it for so long, sometimes even years! Whew! Glad I got that off my chest!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous blog and I love doing your sketch challenges. I'm a little behind right now but hope to catch up tomorrow. Congrats on all your hits!

My biggest pet peeve is fingernail biting and people who lick their fingers loudly after eating wings or something like that.

Feel better soon!

Sharon said...

Congratulations and thanks for the wonderful opportunity to win such nice candy! I hope you feel better soon! I guess at the moment my biggest pet peeve is when someone says they will do something and then they don't - arggh!

Anonymous said...

Where does one begin???? The leading one for today has to be drivers who continue to talk and text while driving. I wonder what makes them think that the laws do not apply to them. You can always spot them - they are a traffic hazard.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mercy! Okay, at the moment, since my kids have been in school, my biggest pet peeve is people who can't or won't slow down in a school zone. As if what is going on in their lives is so important that they can't slow down for one block to keep kids safe. See, just driving me nuts thinking about it! :-)

Peggy said...

Congrats on your blog hits. I really enjoy your blog. My pet peeve is people not taking responsiblity for their actions. Thanks for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Just one? But there are soooo many! Since this happened today, I would have to say people who make lane changes without looking and then act angry when they almost cause an accident. Some people simply should not be driving.

Sheri said...

Love your cards and BTW...incredible blog candy!!!

My biggest pet peeve..hmmmm so
Ok...How about......people who are unkind or short with other people, just because they can be....

Denise said...

Congrats Mercy!! One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is walking on a floor that has crumbs, dirt, kitty litter, etc... I hate feeling anything like that under my feet!!
I hope you're feeling better soon, and as always, thanks for all the fun!!

Janet said...

Lately, my biggest pet peeve has been drivers who don't use their turn signals. You know the type - you are trying to turn left and a car is coming with no signal on. You are assuming that they are going straight and then they slow down and turn right where you are trying to get out. You had the one clear opening for 10 min. and you would have gone for it if that darn car had put their signal on!!! Or worse, you are on the interstate and someone whips over in front of you without signaling!! UGH!!! Any who, thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy! Happy blogging!
J Sisk

Anonymous said...

Congrats! One of my biggest pet peeve is when people don't use their turn signals. I have 1 teenager learning to drive and I'm more aware of all the dangers for new drivers. Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy! Debra

Going with the Flow By Renee said...

Hey - Congrats, Sorry you feel bad AND great blog! My biggest pet peeve at "the moment" is my husband thinks stamping and card making is a waste of time!!! He thinks reading all the blogs is even a BIGGER waste of time and it drives me CCRRRRAAAAZZZYYYYY!!!!
Other than that - I am great! HeHe
Thank you for the opportunity to win some great stuff. I LOVE Stampin' Up! Renee from Texas

Johna W said...

I hate it when people do not clean up after themselves and then I have to use their dirty space. Ugg!

Anonymous said...

i love coming to your blog for inspiration. it's no wonder you have hit such a huge blogging milestone.

my biggest pet peeve is people who don't pick up after their dogs when they walk them. i have met people numerous times that don't pick up after their dog. as we pass, i give them one of my potty bags and say sweetly "don't you hate it when you run out of bags". sure puts the guilt on to go back and pick up. :)

thanks for the chance to win some awesome candy.

Brandi Wiggins-Côté said...

Dude, when people are late, it drives me bananas! I l-o-v-e your blog and i stalk you daily. I'm not the best at commenting but know that I love your stuff.

Thanks for the chance to win!


Laurie Zoellmer said...

LOVE your blog! Just one pet peeve? is when "certain people" don't put the toilet seat down...ha ha! (am I the first to mention that one?). Thanks for the opportunity for some fantastic blog candy! Hope you feel better soon ;)

Marisa said...

Congrats on your hits and a big thank you for the wonderful blog candy!!

My biggest pet peeve are litterbugs!!! I HATE them!! I get so mad at people who think they can throw things anywhere and expect someone else to pick it up or just don't care at all. I'm all worked up just thinking about it as I'm typing this!

Hope you feel better soon! Blessings.

Anonymous said...

I am a recent stalker, and I love your blog! These days my biggest pet peeve is that nobody in my house puts the new roll of toilet paper in the drives me crazy! So much so that I've left the empty roll in the holder and hid my own roll of TP, just so they will get the message!


Bonnie said...

Love your blog and inspiration! Congrats on your blog hits!

My biggest pet peeve...lies. I am just offended by those who feel they need to lie.

Anonymous said...

I'm like Tanya, my pet peeve is when my husband can't put toilet paper on the holder.
Congrats on 150+ hits...your blog is so great, it's no wonder!

Anonymous said...

My biggest pet peeve - that's an easy one - all those cards, etc that they place in magazines. The first thing I do is rip them all out.

Great Blog Candy - thanks.


Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and am really enjoying it!

One pet peeve (there are many): people who are inconsistent--they say one thing in one circumstance and then say something else another time.

Lois H

StampupLisa said...

Congrats on the number of hits for your blog. That's awesome!! My biggest pet peeve would be having things ring up for the wrong price at the store. --Lisa

Momsnack said...

A pet peeve is the people who think the world revolves around them!
Hope you are feeling better!
NancyS (momsnack)

KSinMT said...

Thank you for the chance to win! My pet peeve is seeing cars coming toward you with the drivers on their cell phones and they don't seem to be aware of you!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon Mercy!

Pet peeves: people who lie, cheat, back stabbers, and people who do not treat others with respect.

Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!

Rosella said...

Congratulations on your hits!! I really enjoy coming by your blog. Always amazing projects. Thank you for this great opportunity to win such great things.
So, onto my pet peeve...I have to admit that it is probably other drivers not driving the way I think they should LOL!!
I'll probably remember more after I post this comment.

Deidre Mooney said...

Love your blog..congrats on the hits! My biggest pet peeve is people who use double negatives when they are talking..."don't know nothing" it's anything people!!! Deidre M

Margo said...

My biggest pet peeve is when the Tim Hortons drive thru gets my order wrong - every stinkin' time!!

Jessie Hannah said...

My biggest pet peeve is a person who is always negative. Life is too short to not try and look at the positive side of things.

Gailanne said...

What fun to be able to "vent" about a pet peeve...mine is...wait for it...gum-chewing! I know there are millions of people out there who love chewing gum but I really, really dislike it. The smell of it, the look of someone chewing (like a cow chewing its cud) and the way it too often appears on an unsuspecting person's shoe. Yuck! Alright, I'm finished venting now. Thank you!

StampinCathy said...

Congrats on 100K! Not surprise with all your wonderful and creative projects.
One of my pet peeve that come's to mine is people that can't pick up after themselves and expect others to do it for them. I don't have time for that, cuz it takes away from me playin. (teehee) Thanks for a chance at this fabulous candy.

SueB said...

I don't have a scrapping station but scrap at a makeshift table set up in my living room currently ... and my biggest pet peeve (at the moment - LOL) is sitting down to scrap and having to get up and run to find addt'l supplies when I thought I had it all together finally ... sigh ...

Betsye Rose said...

I think my pet peeve is people who don't brush their teeth...which makes for breath that smells as bad as a skunk.

Anonymous said...

I just recently discovered your blog and am loving it.

My pet peeve are all the actions of those people that feel they are clearly more important than the rest of us. Those are the people that are 6th in line at the grocery checkout, but when a new line opens they get there first. Those are the people that mess up school carpool lanes because clearly they have places to go and need to get their darlings first. I could go on, but my blood is already boiling.

And don't get me started on cell phones!!

Anonymous said...

Just want to say love your ideas, look forward to them regularly!
My biggest pet peeve is that my UPS man delivers late in the afternoon instead of early morning!! hee hee

Angel said...

love your sketches and beautiful cards, Mercy! i'll be adding you to my blog roll! biggest pet peeve?? crazy dumb drivers! i might not be the best, but it'd be great if everyone just paid attention when they're driving!!! AWESOME candy, i sure hope i win!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! My pet peeve would be people who don't take care of their animals. I hate seing big dogs on short chains or in small pens & their water bowl turned over!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I LOVE your work and this yummy candy is just to die for!
Biggest pet peeves: people clipping their nails in church, whiners, and people who have waaaaay more than the 15 items in their cart at the grocery store.

Betty Wright said...

What a fabulous amount of product to give as candy!!!!! Wow!!!! That is some good stuff and you are so kind to offer!!!

My pet peeve would be people not following simple acts of curtesy. Like holding doors for people, letting people have the right of way at strip malls, and letting people get in front of you at a crowded street. Little simple kind acts. Stuff like that.

Of course, I have pet peeve about myself. I do not like it when I have my card complete and somehow I manage to touch the main image with an inky finger...WHAT? I should know better by now. This is really bad if I cannot hide the smudge with something. LOL!!!

Thanks again!!!!

Cindy Coutts @ Cindy B Designs said...

What a dear you are handing out these wonderful blog goodies! I have a few pet peeves and I'll let you know what they are.

1. I haven't had power for a week and I'm going through stamp withdrawals. Not good.
2. People talking/texting on a cell phone while driving.
3. The perfect card and then I smudge up the very last detail.

Nancy Park said...

Congratulations on 100K hits! My pet peeve is people that just slow down and don't signal when making a turn. What wonderful Wonderful Blog Candy! Here's hoping and wishing.

Anonymous said...

My current pet peeve is people who talk on their cell phone and rudely ignore store cashiers who are providing service to them.

Terri said...

Congratulations on the success of your blog. I enjoy all the wonderful creations you continue to share with us. I would say that one of my biggest pet peeves is people who are rude, manners never go out of style and I wish people would use them. Thanks for an opportunity to win some great prizes from you.

Unknown said...

Hi! Mercy,
Congrats on your blog and I believe a few thousand must be mine...I love your work!!!!
Sorry to hear your under the weather. My biggest pet peeve is to walk up to a sales associate to ask a question where something is or wanting to be check out and their in a conversation with another employee about what they did last night... I thought thatwas what breaks were for!!! Then they look at you like you you was being nosy..URRRGHH!!!
Pam Malaer

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Congrats on the 100,000 hits. You're doing awesome!!

I have a lot of pet peeves but I guess one of them is when people don't pick up after themselves. Then I get stuck cleaning up all the junk later. UGH!!!

Thanks for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all of you hits! I just love your cards.

My biggest pet peeve - People who park in handicapped parking spots without the proper plates or window tags. It drives me insane. Add in the fact that the police won't do anything if the store doesn't want the law enforced.

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE your blog, Mercy! Congrats on reaching 100,000 hits!

My biggest pet peeve is the misuse of apostrophes! People seem to have forgotten how to make a word plural! Seeing signs like "Strawberrie's for Sale" make me cringe!! I'm appalled at how many businesses have signs using apostrophes inappropriately. I guess it's the English teacher in me. :) Thanks for offering such amazing blog candy!!

Anonymous said...

HI - I am realtively new to the blog world, but came across your and just LOVE IT!!! You are very talented and thank you for sharing. I think one of my many peeves is what I call "floppy socks". My DH and boys are sometimes notorious for this. They do not have their socks pulled on their feet all the way and leave the ends loose. I don't know why, but this drives me nuts! They do like to do this just to get me. Anyway...I hope you feel better soon. Have a great day and thanks again for all your talent.

Allison said...

Congratulations on all the hits! You do such beautiful work - it's no wonder you are so high!

As for pet peeves, I have so many it's unbelievable. I think the absolute biggest pet peeve I have is whistling. I think it is just the ugliest noise ever and it seems like people are always doing it wherever you are!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your hits! Love your blog-sketches and samples are great.

As for my pet peeves-at work is people who take the last of anything and don't put out more of said item or replenish (e.i. coffee) or inform someone that we're out. This in turn puts the burden on the next person. Thanks for the vent and for the chance to win a great prize. I hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

My biggest peeve is people who lie and gossip about everything.

Thanks for the chance to win

Carol Cooper

c said...

Hope your feeling better very soon!

Pet peeve??? Cyndee said it best, when people don't properly plan and they try to make it my fault. I too believe in the saying "poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."

Scott Franson Photography said...

Oh my, you really opened the door to some interesting comments, lol.
My biggest peeve is people who think their children can do no wrong and let them do anything they want.
Love your blog, so much inspriation.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your cards.. very pretty! My pet peeve is people who don't pay attention to how they are driving because they are trying to do too many other things while their vehicle is in motion. I have had some close calls by people crossing over the center line into my lane!


Anonymous said...

pet peeves..hmmm i have a few...but the 2 that top the list are people clipping their fingernails and the sound of it...o and i hate the sound of people kissing! LOL must have that one from college and the roommate and her bf
thanks for the chance.

Vicki Burdick said...

Love your blog Mercy, thanks for the chance to win.

My biggest pet peeve would be, recorded telemarketing phone calls! ACK!!!! I hate it! Followed closely by people who talk down to others!

Lilian said...

congratulations on you your 100K hits!!! your blog is so great i am not surprised by the number!

my biggest pet peeve would be when the lid to the toothpaste is not closed all the way. quirky, i know. but it bugs!

thanks for the chance to win!

jane said...

Hey Mercy
Love your almost daily postings and have to confess I have used a few of your ideas, switched 'um up a bit and called 'um beautiful.
Pet peeve's, uhmmm! I guess the one that bugs me the most is when I get ahead of myself while creating and stick stuff down, then think "drat" I shoulda put ribbon, brads, another layer, you know that kinda stuff. Anyway congrats on the hits, keep creating.

Michelle VP said...

Hi Mercy! I just discovered you gallery and blog on SCS. What beautiful cards you make!

My biggest pet peeve is telemarketers! I'm so thankful we now have caller ID and I can ignore answering most of them. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100,000 hits - I know a bunch of them are mine! Thanks for the chance to win some fun blog-candy too.

My pet peeve is rude drivers.

Hope you're feeling better real soon!


Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Your cards are beautiful.

My biggest pet peeve is people talking on their cell phones everywhere even when they are checking out at a store. I hate that they can't even give the checkout person a few moments of their time or a thank-you.

Elena said...

Your blog is awesome!!! Mercy you are very talented crafter! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us! Thank you for your fabulous blog candy!
My biggest pet peeve is when people talking on a phone while they are driving! That is not very safe for other drivers and for them too.

Anonymous said...

I love your cards - always anxious for my e-mail to come.

I agree with pet peeves being inconsiderate cell phone users. It seems they feel it makes them important to be talking all the time.

Anonymous said...

Love to see what you will do next. My biggest pet peeve is people complaining about how one person does there job when they don't even know how to do their own job. Thanks for the chance at blog candy.

Anonymous said...

wow! what a great giveaway! i have lots of pet peeves that all revolve around cleanliness. you know, not shutting doors, not wiping feet, not wiping up spills, etc... that sort of thing. other than that - i'm a happy girl!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and beautiful cards. My biggest pet peeve is my family not picking up after themselves, like leaving empty wrappers or boxes on the table or counter. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I have never done a Blog Candy post before. I do frequent your site and I love your style.

My biggest pet peeve is people (my family knows better now)who open packages that were meant to be recloseable so that you can never use the reusable seal again. I usually buy a particuar package for this feature and it bites when it's not used properly. I feel like I have wasted my money. I also am troubled by sheets (linens) that do not match. Oh there are others but those are the biggies for me. Thanks for a chance at your goodies. Hope I win! :)

tttrini22 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I am always in awe of your cards! I just love your blog!!! I just found it recently and love seeing your updates!!! Awesome blog candy, you are very generous!!

Pet peeve is slow drivers in the wrong lane & people on the phone & driving!

Thanks for the chance to win. Would it do any good to beg to be picked?
Ilene B.

NoraAnne said...

I love your blog, you have such talent :) My biggest pet peeve are people who are just rude and nasty all the time for no reason. ugh, it doesn't hurt to smile once in awhile, does it?!?! :)

Kerri said...

Hey Mercy! I just recently found your blog through Jackie Pedro : ) You are one talented woman! My pet peeve would be (this happens at least once a week to me) when you are in a right hand turn only lane, and somebody in front of you drives down the lane to the end, then suddenly realizes it's right turn only and stops you and all other traffic because they want to merge left. You have to sit at the light (it's a very long light) until it turns green so idiot can move out of the way. I say, if you accidently find yourself in a turn lane, and you're already commited, just turn instead of stopping 20 cars behind you already! You can do a u-turn and go the other way!!! Ok, sorry but thanks for the chance to vent lol!

Heather said...

Wow Mercy, how generous of you! Congrats on your 100,000 hit, your blog is fab!

Okay, my biggest pet peeve is when things are spelled incorrectly (like night as nite, etc). I guess it's the teacher in me, who constantly corrects things with these types of spelling!!

Heather :)

Paper doll said...

Just one,HUH thats going to be tuff. My 1st one is chairs not pushed in under the table. When you leave the table of bar push your chair in please.

The juice or water jug left out on the counter.

The bread or chips not sealed up.

I will stop now!

Anonymous said...

First let me say congrats on all your hits...well deserved! I too have a ton of pet peeves, but the one that sticks in my mind is people who don't RSVP. DD and I recently sent out 43 invitations to a bridal shower being held at my house. A week before the event we had only gotten 7, yes 7 RSVP's. We had to call everyone on the list and ended up having 30 people here. If we hadn't called..... Anyhoow...thanks for the chance to win some awesome candy, and for the chance to vent!

Susan (peebsmama) said...

I can only have one pet peeve! ;-)

Ok. Well one biggie for me is people who throw their ciggarette butts out the window and not only litter but cause potential fires. Their reason? They don't want to dirty their ashtray! I can feel my ire rising right now just thinking about it.

Thanks for the chance to win your blog candy.

Angela said...

My biggest pet peeve is for someone to leave cabinet doors open. Drives me absolutely batty... LOL! Awesome blog candy.

Kimberly's Krafts said...

Hi Mercy! Sorry your under the weather. Hope you feel better soon! I have been loving your posts lately.....thanks for the inspiration!! You Rock girlfriend!

My biggest pet peeve is when your somewhere...anywhere....and you get bad customer service. Either your being ignored or the person waiting on you seems like you are wasting their time. I HATE that! If there is one thing I strive to do is to teach my children that it is so important to be considerate and when your helping people to appreciate that you have the chance to help others. Customer Service!!!! With a BIG Smile!! :)

Hugs Mercy!!! xxoo

Theresa Sweet said...

Hi Mercy! Thanks for the opportunity for blog candy!

My biggest pet peeve... putting the milk or juice jug in the fridge when it's empty! Really... it takes two minutes to refill it!

Hope you feel better soon. It seems to be going around :(

Unknown said...

My biggest pet peeve right now is that my kids leave their shoes ALL OVER the place! When you have 5 kids - that's a lot of tripping over shoes all the time! Sometimes you won't even find a matching pair in the same room -- how does that happen! LOL! As much as it annoys me now, I know the day will come too soon that I will miss all these shoes laying around!

Anonymous said...

My biggest pet peeve is that my husband does not grasp the concept of a garbage can. He will open and empty any number of things and, with a garbage can right beside him, leave the wrapper lying on the counter! LOL Small annoyance but an annoyance all the same. :) I really enjoy reading your blog! - Mary R.

Julie Temple said...

Congrats on your HUGS amount of hits!! Hmmm a pet peeve? Well there are several, but the one that gets me most is to be lied to! Gossips run a VERY close second, since most are lies.
Thanks so much for the chance!

Rubber Hugs,

Anonymous said...

My biggest pet peeves are speed bumps, windshield wipers on a dry windshield, and outright liars. LOL Kind of odd pet peeves, eh?

Congrats on your hits. I've been following you for quite a while now.

~Ann Leek

Shelby said...

Congrats on 100,000 blog hits and thanks SO MUCH at the chance to win such amazing blog candy.

My pet peeve (at the moment) is close-minded people.

Anonymous said...

My pet peeve is this bad cold I have right now. I can't quit sneezing!

Anonymous said...

First, let me say CONGRATS on 100k in hits! Your blog is simply FAB!!!

As for my biggest pet peeve? I'd have to say it's when the people in my family get on MY computer for one thing or another and change things around to their liking and then get off MY computer and go one their merry way... GRRRRRRRR!

Anywhooooo, thanks for the op at winning some very YUMMY blog candy and CHEERS to your next 100k in hits!

Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}
darn spammers! <--- another pet peeve! LOL

Tina said...

Oh, oh, oh! I love it when I blog hop to find not only a wonderful blog with fantastic ideas, but a blog candy giveaway TOO!

My biggest pet peeve? Grammar errors, typos and typing in "TXT" speak instead of English are high on my list of offenders... and *I* am usually the one doing the offending! Nothing like driving ourselves crazy, right? ;)

Thanks for the blog candy opportunity AND for the inspiration!
(tina @

Anonymous said...

My pet peeve is when a group of women, or a couple, are called "guys." Like when a waitress comes up to the table and says "Hi, guys." Dr. Phil does it all the time and it drives me crazy!

Donna H. from AZ

Emily said...

Mercy, congrats on the # of're blog is terrific.

Biggest pet peeve...hmmm...these days I would have to say I am quite annoyed with cell phone users who don't seem to care where or when they converse. I particularly hate it when I see retail customers talking on their phones while they check out like the person they are dealing with isn't worth their time to speak very rude.

Thanks so much for the opportunity for some really great blog candy!

Wishing you many, many more hits in the future...I know I will stop by lots!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mercy! I sure hope you're feeling better soon so we can see some more of your wonderful creations! It's so nice of you to share blog candy as well!

My biggest pet peeve at the moment? Family members who seem to think it's your job to pick up after them. (grrr)

Thanks so much for doing what you do - and congrats on all the blog hits!

Stephanie Gay

Emily said...

Congratulations on your hits Mercy! I've got a bunch of pet peeves, but I guess the most annoying one for me is cars pulling out in front of me when I'm driving. I live right off a highway and I swear, I can not get on that road with out at least one person doing it. I'm talking when there is absolutely no one behind me, but they were just too impatient to wait a second for me to go by and I have to slow down to like 20 to avoid hitting them. Drives me nuts!

I hope you feel better! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

great blog! my biggest pet peeve is when my husband open a cupboard door in the kitchen and then leaves the room. another is when people leave their shopping cart in the middle of the isle and walk away to go grab something, so you have to move their cart in order to get around.

Kayla T. from IN

margot said...

Pet peeve--All of you parents are going to be nodding your heads to this one--my son (age 15) calls to be picked up from a friend's house (5 minutes away) and I tell him I'm leaving right away. I get to the friend's house and wait for him to come to the car, and wait and wait until I finally go to the door where I wait for someone to respond to the doorbell, then wait for him to come to the door, put on his shoes, get his stuff together and get his body out to the car. Why isn't he ready and waiting for me?!! He called me for the ride. I told him when I was leaving our home.
Not sure if my Google account is working--my name is Margot.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and I love it. Great blog candy!

My biggest pet peeve (although there are many) is when someone interrupts me (or anyone else) mid sentence so that they can start talking about themselves. It's especially annoying if the person being interrupted is sharing something difficult, like a problem. In general, rude people make me mad.

Mary Lou Kleveland

Kelly Schelske said...

Awesome blog Mercy!! Congrats on all the htis, but I can see why, your creations are fabulous!! Loe your sketches too...actually that's how I found you...from Dawn E's blog!!

My pet peeve would have to be the same as Mary Lou...people that interrupt you when you're talking and they just keep on goin'!!

Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the hits! Your cards and layout sketches are awesome!

My biggest pet peeve is when my husband takes the last of something or leaves a little bit in a container and doesn't replace the item/container(milk, peanut butter, kleenex).

Thanks for sharing your cute creations!
Pam B. from WI

Cathy Spicer said...

Oh my, I bet you're having a blast reading everyone's pet peeves! I know I've enjoyed scanning them.

I just found your blog (linked from You are now on my daily reading list!

My biggest pet peeve is gossiping. Why can't people just worry about their own lives instead of wasting time worrying about everyone elses. Ugh.

Cathy Spicer

Cathy said...

Congrats on your hits, You have a wonderful blog!
My pet peeve - when my husband changes the end of the toilet paper and lays the empty roll on the sink instead of just opening the sink door and putting it in the trash, just ticks me off. Some times I just leave it there and count the days until he throws it away. The longest was 4 days it layed there.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

congrat's... my biggest pet peeve is when someone doesn't follow thru with what they've said they would...don't say it if you don't mean it, I am a stickler at this if I say it then it will be done or it will happen or I will follow thru no matter what.....

Anonymous said...

Hello Mercy,

I just found your web site and signed up. You have great ideas and inspiration! Congrats on all the hits...

My peeve is people that eat with their mouth open and also spelling..i am a medical transcriptionist so spelling is my life...dont you just love those texting comments/

Thanks for sharing your great ideas. Get well soon!

Melissa Roberts from Washington

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your hits!! My worst not beeing able to sleep 'cause my hubby is snoring!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My greatest pet peeve is people who don't play by the rules. I mean come on, why have rules, if you don't obey them.

Thanks for the opportunity to win! I love your blog, and come to you for inspiration each night. Now if I could/would just get busy and put these ideas to use.


Krysta said...

Congratulations, this is so awesome! I work in retail & my biggest pet peeve is when I take a customer to a product their looking for and they cant take it off the peg themselves and say 'Give it to me'... I like to tell them I dont get paid enough to be your personal shopper so get it yourself!

Patrina Hight said...

Mercy, Congrats and thanks for sharing. I think my number one pet peeve is people that don't let children and the elderly cut ahead in the restroom line. I mean let's face it, they are both acidents waiting to happen:) JMHO! Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, Love your blog! Just recently found you through another blog and immediately subscribed!

When it comes to pet peeves-I agree with the majority of those already posted-but the ones that I have been dealing with lately have been inconsiderate, self-centered people. The entire world does not revolve around them!

Hate to hear you're under the weather-Get Better Soon!

Marsha said...

Nice Blog candy offer.
One of my pet peeves is people sniffling - especially the loud deep snort type sniffle. What ever happened to handkerchiefs or tissue. I also get perturbed when I hear loud burping or belching.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an awesome prize!

I would say my biggest pet peeve is sleeping on the couch. I figure if you are going to sleep, go to

Denise said...

Congrats! So many visitors admiring your clean and fresh designs. I lov e it.

Pet peeve: complainers

Anonymous said...

I do not comment much but I love your cards. I check in regularly to see what you have made. I have lots of pet peeves but a main one is people who are always significantly late for appointments we have. If I show up on time, I hate waiting around for the other person. Twenty minutes of standing around really grates on my nerves!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog too. I've gotten a lot of inspirations from looking through your blog. As for my pet peeves, I have quite a few. But the biggest one that I'll share now is - I hate it when people litter. I usually see people eating a piece of gum and throwing the wrapper in the air (it won't disappear) or smoking and putting out the cig. stub on the ground or leaving the empty cup "nicely" on the floor. Really gets on my nerves. I love this country so let's try to keep it clean!

Thanks again for sharing your blog with us.

Lin Tsai

Anonymous said...

A HUGE pet peeve of mine is finding those terribly annoying inserts in magazines. You know, the kind of insert that allows you to send in a postcard for subscribing to the publication, but even worse is those STINKY perfume ads that include a sample on the insert. Those things smell up the entire magazine and then if you touch it, it gets on your fingers and you can't get the odor off. Yuck!

Tammie Koehnen said...

My pet peeve is... getting behind a driver in a car that is not paying attention to the road because they are talking on their cell phone! I mean hello, which is more important, your safety and other people's safety on the road, or talking on the phone? That is my pet peeve. :)
Hope you feel better soon! Don't you hate getting sick. (That's my second pet peeve). Congrats on the 100,000 blog hits. You are so talented and I enjoy your blog.

Betty J Schaub said...

Hi Mercy:
Just found your blog!!! I love it!
I think my worst pet peeve is people who just drop in without a phone call or fore warning.

Patty (SCS-pepperrn) said...

congrats on so many visiters to your blog. i have just recently found your blog and your cards and projects are amazing!!

Okay, now on to my pet peeve! Well i like to have the toliet paper going over the top and not from underneath. I have actually changed it at other peoples houses!

Weird huh!! LOL

Thanks for the opportunity to win some fun SU items. I am hoping to be a Demonstrator in the next month or so!!


Angela Lemmons said...

I just discovered your blog and I can't wait to discover all your projects! My biggest pet peeve is people who talk during movies. It makes me CRAZY!! Thanks for the chance to win such awesome blog candy!

Lisa said...

Thank you for the blog candy!

My biggest pet peeve is when there is an accident that results in bumper to bumper traffic. You have been trudging along slowly in the line and a car from the back decides to move up and cut in front of you. Like their time is more valuable than yours.

Anonymous said...

i hope you feel better soon. thanks for the chance to win all of this fun stuff. my only pet peeve is my phone companies pay by phone service voice. it drives me crazy. thanks jen hayes

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, there does seem to be a lot of that going around. Love your blog and admire your style. My biggest pet peeve would be my youngest child never bringing his luandry down from his room or taking up his neatly folded clothes after I have folded them.

Anonymous said...

My pet peeve is when people are not honest. I really don't like to hear a lie.
Thanks, have a great day!

Kristin Moore said...

Oh boy, you opened up a can of worms! tee hee, just kidding. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people are not good listeners- you know the type- they go on and on about their children, job, spouse etc. then the minute you open your mouth to join the conversation they zone out, change the subject, interupt, walk away etc.

Fabulous blog candy, BTW!

Kathy said...

My biggest pet peeve is/are people who have a sense of entitlement. This would be people who think they deserve to be treated better than others for now reason, just because?????


jane said...

Love to visit your blog and love your almost daily newsletters, I've even "borrowed" some of your ideas!!!! My pet peeve is getting ahead of myself while creating and sticking stuff down then realize "drat" I shoulda added ribbon, brads, grommets, you know that kinds stuff...Oh well live and learn sometimes over, and over again....

Toni Sacrison said...

Wow! Your blog is amazing! You have so many wonderful ideas. Thank you for sharing with all of us, and thanks for the opportunity to win so much great stuff!

Okay, biggest pet peeve: I guess that would be people who refuse to learn how to do things simply because they figure you can do it for them. Life is all about learning new things people! That's what helps to make it fun and interesting!

Thanks again! Hope I win!

Anonymous said...

My biggest pet peeve...when someone asks me a question and someone else answers for me.

Mae E. in FL

Anonymous said...

My biggest pet peeve has to be rude drivers, the ones who think they own the road and don't have to follow the rules like the rest of us.

Thanks for the chance at some blog candy!

Kathy in AZ

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win the great goodies. Pet peeve - people who drive and talk on their phone. Love your blog. (

Anonymous said...

My pet peeve is rude high school students, I know that their mother's taughter them manners :)

Marcy D. Yakima, WA

Anonymous said...

This one is pet peeve is whistling! The noise just makes me crzy! And of course as soon as you tell someone that, they do it more! Either that Ior I just know annoying people! Thanks for the inspiration!

Shelli Deckard

CarrollAnn (~CA~) said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies and congrats on the blog count! I just got a new pet peeve during a workshop the other night. I was talking about how wonderful the Big Shot is, and a lady said, "Oh, I saw that for $69 online!" I'm trying to make a living here!!! I know it's more at Stampin' Up! but there's some convenience by ordering through me, especially if something goes wrong with the product!!!

Andrea G. said...

I love your blog. I just discovered it about a month ago and I am so glad I did. I will have to try one of your challenges soon.
Like many others who have commented, I have more than one. But maybe my biggest one is when people use bad grammer. Like using the word "good" when "well should have been used instead.

Lisa Kind said...

Love your designs! I'm always in awe when I stop by!

Ok, my biggest pet peeve is when my DH puts the soap (a rectangle) into the soap dish (another bigger rectangle) in the opposite direction so that it is hanging (and dripping) off the edge! Why? Why? WHY? I don't know. I specifically bought that rectangluar soap dish so this wouldn't happen (he did it with an oval one I had, so I thought I would be smart with the rectangular one)! Men...

Thanks for listening and sharing!

jean said...

Congrats on your blog hits
your so creative, visit your
blog daily

Sam said...

I love you blog, I have saved it in my favorites under the lable oh my gosh card making sites. Thanks for sharing your talent with me.

My pet peeve is people who duck away from the Camera. It is sooo rude. It makes them look stupid and wastes my time.


Anonymous said...

I just found your site from SCS. Love the "Thoughts and Prayers" card you made. Thank you for sharing!
My biggest pet peeve would have to be Atlanta drivers! We just moved here a couple of years ago and these people have no concept of how to drive, pulling in front of you and slowing down, driving with the turn signal on, turning right from the left right...I think we've seen it all! Makes me cranky! Back to peruse through your site! :-)
Smiles to you,

Carolina said...

Huge congrats on your hits...understandably so with your talent!

I actually started participating in your sketch challenge and will be posting my card now that I've given it to my sister for her birthday.

Thanks for a chance to win the amazing blog candy you've put together and for my biggest pet peeve I think is music on blogs.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog...your cards are really cute. One of my pet peeves is people who don't say please and thank you. Well...what can you do! Thanks for the chance to win.

Kathy W said...

Congrats on the blog hits! One of my biggest pet peeves are people behind the wheel of a car who are doing anything but driving. Please keep us all safe, and leave the cell phone in the trunk! LOL. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jamie Tyson said...

That is a lot of hits. I know you've been hitting others back by blog hopping :)

My biggest pet peeve is one other people would welcome into their homes, but it really bugs the bu-jeebas out of me.

Everyday, when my husband comes into the house from work, he takes out the dustbuster and vacuums something off the floor. Doesn't matter if I just cleaned the floor on my hands and knees, he always finds something. He does this before ever even saying hello. Guess it is his version of "Honey, I'm home." I know I should appreciate that he is willing to help keep the house clean, but couldn't do something like, put a load of laundry away when he got home. That would be a welcome change.

Jean Fitch from jlfstudio said...

Congratulations on the milestone Mercy! And thanks for giving a lucky reader such a terrific present. So nice to have candy that won't send one to the dentist.

Pet Peeve...hmmm...I've been trying really hard not to have any since in the past I had way too many.

I think the only ones still left are boom box cars (the frequencies of the bass shaking the cars starts seizures!) and Customer Service reps who answer my email inquiries or comments without actually having read (or answered) my very specific questions but instead assure me that my communications are very important and thanks for letting them know about.....the.....never being anything remotely resembling what I've asked! Whew. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest! - lol.

Hugs and blessings and thanks for all the inspiration.

Jean Fitch

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love your blog! It's always so inspiring! Thanks for your neat ideas and creative cards. Congratulations on your # of hits!
My pet peeves are:
-guys who put loud mufflers on their bikes or cars so it roars really loudly as they drive down the street
-people who drive much too slow or talk on their cells when they're driving
-people who say "like" before everything!


Anonymous said...

Mercy, I recently found your blog and find it so inspirational.

My pet peeve is having the person to whom I'm talking either quietly
repeating or mouthing my words as I speak. What's with that anyway!?!

Great blog candy; luck person who wins!
par3 at sc dot rr dot com

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog candy!

My pet peeve is having the lights on and the blinds wide open at night in the 'women only' gym or in a hospital room! Why not just invite everyone in to gawk?!?

Sharon Matherson said...

Congrats on hitting that blogging milestone.
My pet peeve: misuse of the word "your" and "you're". Worse still: using "ur" in place of either. GRRRRR.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I just found your blog and am loving it!!!
I'm always telling my children "take responsibility for your actions" and "for every action there is a reaction". I keep hoping that someday it will sink it.
My biggest pet peeve...
One of them would be, driving on the freeway...trying to get somewhere and the person holding up the flow of traffic is talking on their mobile phone. Invariably, it most always seems to be a guy!

Anonymous said...

Hello to you! I recently found your blog and I love it!! Thanks for the great opportunity for some blog candy! My biggest pet peeve is when people are in such a rush they think only of themsleves and as a result are rude and disrespectful... we need to look out for each other!


Caryl P said...

You have such a great blog Mercy, congrats on such a milestone!

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who bring their children shopping and don't watch them in the store. Just like anything else children need to be taught appropriate behaviors, like what they can/cannot touch and how to WALK in a retail area. I teach during the week, and work retail on weekends--it's not my job to be the teacher when I'm at the store!

Thanks for letting me vent!

Anonymous said...

Congrats for your hitting your milestone and thank
you for giving me a chance to win the candy!

My pet peeve falls under one category:
People who eat with their mouth open
smack their food
crunch ice
chew gum and pop it.
blow their nose while I am eating.

Have a blessed day,
Peggy Whitlow,

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Hi. Cool blog. 1 of my biggest pet peeves is dumb drivers. Another 1 is when you get a snowstorm & you have to cancel your plans. Like New year's eve this year we ended up staying in cause of a storm.

Anonymous said...

Great blog candy!!! Thanks for a chance to play/win!! :) After driving around the city yesterday, I would have to say PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE!!!!! sheesh!!! And GET OFF YOUR PHONE (which is illegal, by the way)!!!

Jenni King

Unknown said...

My biggest pet peeve takes place at the grocery store when people park their carts on one side of the aisle and stand on the other. Nobody can get through. Crazy grocery shoppers!
oh .... and congrats on your fantastic blog!!!

Anonymous said...

I have two and hard to say which one is the biggest. One, when purchasing items the clerks are talking to each other about last night or somebody and don't give you the time of day except to ask for your money and the other would be spelling errors on signs.
Really enjoy your blog

laurie v said...

Congrats on your 100,000 hits. Thanks for a chance to win.


laurie v said...

Oops! My pet peeve is dishonesty!
